วันเสาร์ที่ 25 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

Indoor Plant Care and Feeding By Z_Za

Indoor Plant Care and Feeding

Water: Overwatering kills many houseplants. Figure out the minimum of water and stick to it. Once a week is good for most houseplants. Water deeply all the way through. If possible, carry the plant to the sink and let water flow through the pukas. Drain and then put the plant back in its regular spot.

Light: Most plants require a specific set of light conditions. Many house plants are strictly shade plants; don't set them out in the sun. Find out from the grower or nursery the kind of light the plant was grown in, and keep it in those conditions.

Fertilizer: Most plants indoors are growing very slowly or not at all. The growers load up the soil with slow-release fertilizer. Most plants don't need any more; in fact, the excess salts from fertilizing can "burn" the roots or leaves, or build up to toxic levels.

Pest control: Sometimes-indoor plants get infested with wooly mealy bugs or sucking aphids or scale. Liquid soap such as Dr. Bronner's peppermint soap (available at health food stores) is good to smother the pests and "clean" them off your plants.
Spray at a ratio of one tablespoon per gallon of water. Hosing off the plants is also a good way to get rid of the pests.
